About Bec

My Personal Life I’m deeply connected to the warmth of the sun and the serenity of water, often soaking up the beauty of nature with my family.

As a proud mother of three beautiful children, and having been with my partner for over 20 years, our lives are centered around growth, expansion, and unwavering support for one another. We embrace the beauty in nature, finding joy in sunrises, sunsets, and the peacefulness of our country life.

Our journey has been deeply intertwined with my spiritual growth and the overcoming of past challenges. Through facing hard truths and working daily to overcome limiting beliefs and old patterns, I’ve learned that the dreams we once held can indeed become our reality. It’s through this commitment and focus that we’ve been able to turn our vision into the life we now live.

In 2022, we embarked on an incredible journey, traveling across Australia with our three children. During this time, we made the bold decision to sell our family home, move to our holiday home, and begin building our dream home by a lake, close to the snow fields. Our vision is to create a life that feels like a perpetual holiday—a life where every day is filled with the beauty and tranquility that we cherish, eliminating the need for a vacation. This life is a testament to the power of spiritual growth, facing truths, and staying focused on what truly matters.

My Journey From a young age, I faced numerous health challenges, frequently in and out of hospitals due to a rare blood disease. These early experiences sparked a deep passion for health and healing within me. I initially pursued a career in nursing, later expanding my knowledge by studying naturopathy and personal training.

My professional journey took me through various roles, including a corporate position where I felt deeply unfulfilled and disconnected from my true alignment and soul—a job that left me feeling trapped and brought me to tears most days, I quickly moved on from that role, seeking a path more in tune with my true self. I returned to nursing and fulfilled my childhood dream of becoming a midwife, working closely with mothers and babies. While I loved my job, I couldn't shake the feeling of an inner calling that grew stronger over time.

In 2018, after the birth of my third child, I began a journey of self-reflection and healing, seeking to better understand my past and reclaim my power through positivity and gratitude. In 2019, I began focusing on healing my body intuitively while dealing with autoimmune challenges. This journey led me deeper into self-discovery and healing, as I sought to better understand my path and reclaim my power through positivity and gratitude. By 2020, my search for answers intensified, drawing me further into the world of psychics and mediums. During this time, I was consistently told by psychics and mediums that I was meant to help others heal—a notion I initially found difficult to believe.

Determined to find my true path, I immersed myself in intuitive and mediumship courses, connecting with incredible people and fully embracing this new chapter of my life.

My world transformed as I began reading for others, gradually overcoming the selfdoubt that had lingered. Each reading brought immense joy and clarity, affirming that guiding others toward healing was indeed my purpose—and in turn, I was continuously healing myself.

Throughout my life, I have learned that true strength comes from within. Tough traumatic early experiences taught me that nobody is coming to save you—a hard lesson, but one that was much needed. I believe that everyone is here to allow their soul to expand and evolve, navigating the challenges and lessons that life presents.

These experiences were pivotal in shaping my perspective and leading me to a deeper understanding of my purpose. During my spiritual awakening, I explored every aspect of my existence. If there was a rabbit hole to go down, I went down it. There was no topic I wasn’t ready to uncover, no truth I wouldn’t face, which led to many dark nights of the soul. There was no way I was spiritually bypassing anything, and the universe made sure of it.

These intense experiences have not only connected me with others on similar paths but also empowered me to transform challenges into wisdom and strength. My spiritual awakening allowed me to view my life from a higher perspective, understanding the deeper meaning behind my journey. This path has equipped me with the empathy and insight needed to guide others through their own healing and selfempowerment, helping them find purpose and resilience in their lives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a soul reading?

A soul reading involves tapping into your soul's energy to provide insights into your life path, purpose, and spiritual journey. It can reveal patterns, challenges, and opportunities for growth.

How does mediumship work?

Mediumship involves connecting with the energy of loved ones who have passed away. Through this connection, messages and guidance can be relayed, offering comfort and closure.

What can I expect during a session?

During a session, you'll receive intuitive insights, guidance, and clarity on various aspects of your life. The session is a safe and supportive space to explore your spiritual journey and personal growth.

How should I prepare for a reading?

It's best to come with an open mind and a relaxed state. You may want to think about specific questions or areas of your life you'd like to explore. However, you don't need to prepare extensively— just be open to the experience.

Can you help with specific issues like career, relationships, or personal growth?

Yes, our sessions can cover a wide range of topics, including career, relationships, personal growth, and more. The goal is to provide guidance that helps you navigate life's challenges and align with your true path.

Is the information shared confidential?

Absolutely. All information shared during sessions is completely confidential and treated with the utmost respect and care.

How often should I get a reading?

This varies from person to person. Some may find value in regular sessions, while others may only seek guidance during significant life events. It's entirely up to you and your needs.

Do you offer virtual sessions?

Yes, we offer both in-person and virtual sessions to accommodate your preferences and needs.

How do I book a session?

You can book a session through my website, or via the link in my bio on Instagram. I offer various time slots to fit your schedule and accommodate for time zones around the world.

What if I have more questions after the session?

We encourage you to reach out if you have any additional questions or need further clarification. We're here to support you on your journey.

How do you accommodate clients in different time zones?

We understand that our clients are from all around the world. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate multiple time zones. If you don't find a suitable time slot, please feel free to send us a DM via Instagram or contact us through our website or email, and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

What can I expect from your coaching and mentoring sessions?

Our coaching and mentoring sessions are designed to provide personalized guidance and support in various areas of your life, such as career, personal growth, and spiritual development. We focus on helping you identify and overcome obstacles, set and achieve goals, and align with your true purpose. The sessions are interactive, empowering, and tailored to your unique needs.

How do coaching and mentoring differ from intuitive readings?

While intuitive readings provide insights and guidance based on spiritual and psychic connections, coaching and mentoring focus more on practical, actionable steps to help you achieve specific goals. Coaching is about empowering you to take charge of your life, make informed decisions, and develop strategies for success. Mentoring involves sharing experiences, offering advice, and providing a supportive relationship to help you grow and evolve.

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